About Us

Socrates was the gadfly of ancient Athens, an annoying bug in the ear of politicians and others with a vested interest in the status quo. He spoke the truth, particularly when his countrymen expressed the least interest in hearing it.

Gadfly, LLC was founded by a philosopher with an insatiable desire for the truth that only intensifies when it threatens to upset the status quo. When we added our second author, the name became even more appropriate. Both of our authors are seekers of truth, albeit from very different perspectives, who want to share what they’ve learned with the world.

For us, Gadfly is about taking a chance, holding back nothing and risking it all. Our work may not always be popular or even politically correct. But, if we learn something worth sharing and selfishly protect it from the world, our lives will be nothing but a sad series of what-ifs.

Value Driven Solutions

We believe in delivering value-driven solutions to our clients. We understand that every project is unique and requires a tailored approach that meets your specific needs and goals.

Customer Focus

We put our customers first. We listen to your needs, understand your challenges, and provide you with the best solutions possible. We are committed to delivering high-quality products and services that exceed your expectations.

Program Management

Program management aligns your projects with your strategic objectives, optimizes your resources, and manages risks. Our strong program managers bring the focus that ensures your projects deliver the expected outcomes and benefits to your stakeholders.